Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The horrors of R-L confusion

So far, the funniest examples of r-l minimal pairs I'd heard were "rice/lice" and "election/erection." I got another one.

I was talking with another Korean friend about kalbitang, which I could loosely translate as beef rib stew. My friend told me how her American roommate seemed disgusted by the dish when she had first described it to her. I was puzzled. What's so disgusting about ribs? Then she explained: she had meant to call it "rib soup" but what her roommate heard was "lip soup."

...yeah, I must admit, I enjoy tripes, tongues, kidneys, hearts, etc., etc., but the idea of eating cow "lips" did not appeal to me either.

Monday, January 4, 2010

How quaint are the quest chains in WoW.

Was talking with my husband about a particular achievement in World of Warcraft, and wanted to explain that in order to do it, you have to do a series of quests.
"You have to do a quain to do that."
was what came out of my mouth.

...quest + chain, no doubt.

toilet and twilight.

We were cleaning up the apartment because my father-in-law is coming.
Got the kitchen, dining room, and the living room done.
Before going to bed, hubby reminded me to clean up my bathroom tomorrow.
And he added something that sounded to me like: "Make sure the toilet looks invisible."
What he had actually said: "Make sure that the Twilight books are invisible."
(My parents-in-law abhor vampires.)

I guess I was tired.