Friday, October 23, 2009


Sometimes I have a word or a phrase stuck in my head kinda like a song getting stuck in your head and playing over and over. It just comes to me at random moments, without any apparent triggers. They just come and go.

This time, it's "soledad."

I think it's a pretty word, though its meaning is rather melancholy. I know I generally like words ending with "-dad." Come to think of it, I did like words ending with "-heit" or "-keit" as well. Not so much for the English "-ness," however, but then again, I never really liked English to begin with.

I just like the sound of it, "soledad." It's soft, it's calm, and if the meaning wasn't too depressing, I probably would consider naming my daughter that one day.

Along with this word, the song currently playing endlessly in my head is "Caraluna" by Bacilos. It is fun to mouth the lyrics. I guess I generally like the sound of Spanish. It's fun, and it's pretty.

Mientras tenga que cambiar la radio de estación por que cada canción me hable de ti, de ti, de ti~

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