Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hebrew baby names?

Yesterday was the last day to use our coupon from the Half-Priced Bookstore, so we went there after dinner. They had some clearance books outside the store, and we looked through them before we went in. I found a coffee table book of cats for $3. My husband found a book of baby names in Hebrew.

Since I normally throw possible future baby names at my husband every now and then, he proceeded to randomly pick a page and throw a name to me this time. It happened to be "Matar," meaning "rain." When he pronounced it, I just thought it sounded funny, but when I saw the spelling in the page, my reaction was, "to kill?" His response: "Your Mom would love it!"

Yes, my mother is a religious nut and does occasionally express her suspicion that my husband is a Satan-worshiper and has me corrupted with his dark nature and (to our dismay) attempts to rescue me from my sinful life. To name our child something that means "to kill" in Spanish may convince her that we really are burning in hell, but we could then just show her this book and get away with it!

Nah, not worth it.

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