Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Honey legs and chocolate abs...

(I thought the literal translation of 꿀벅지 would be "honey thighs" or "nectarous femurs" or something along these variations... all them sweet legs)

Apparently, one of the girls from the oh so many girl groups in the Korean pop music industry is often called "honey legs" because her upper leg portions look... delectable. ... I don't see what's so special about her legs, but then again, I normally don't notice things like that. (Do think that she looks cute, but that's mainly because her face resembles that of a cat...)

When I first saw the explanation that the phrase alludes to the uncouth desire to lick that body part so close to the private quarters, I did cringe a bit. Did think that it was vulgar and gross, and felt a bit sorry for the cute little girl whose legs were so openly coveted by her fans(?). Then again I guess she (or at least her boss) might enjoy the extra attention.

However, at the same time, I was also amazed at the novelty of the expression. It sounds rather creative.

Then I also encountered its apparent counterpart, "chocolate abs," referring to those hard, chiseled six-packs that you can appreciate in the boy groups of the same industry. (I guess movies like "300" and "Troy" display many of them, too, but again, I did not notice when I was watching. I guess I'm more interested in hair than muscle.)

Here, the more popular explanation seems to be the one that attributes the phrase to the shape of chocolate bars rather than the taste of them, meaning that it is not as sexually explicit as "honey legs." But I guess chocolate and honey both being sweet eatable things, some people may consider the two phrases the same. Not my concern.

I was just merely awed by the fact that people come up with such ingenuous expressions, though some of them can make you uncomfortable. Too much information.

Another area where I find such creative new uses of words is the world of cat lovers. Now, in English, we have lolcats. I can has cheezburger. They are even rewriting the Bible in lolcat style. They are my bag of weed. Seriously.

Korean cat lovers, on the other hand, have come up with their own word-meaning associations used for describing cats and other cat-related things that shows how leet their love for their cats are.

Tuxedo/cow (black and white), socks (paws colored differently from the body), sweet rice buns (white paws), baking bread (sitting with front paws tucked in), lap cat (sits/sleeps on your lap), potatoes (urine+sand), and various onomatopoeia to refer to some typical behaviors that cats show. So cute. Cheesy? Yes, but still, cute.
Even death is euphemized by the expression, "crossing the rainbow bridge."
Such imagination, such insight to find similar imageries! Something I can't do very well because I'm usually stuck with the dictionary definitions of words. I don't deviate very well from well established conventions. I'm too chicken for that.

Ah well.
To each his/her own.


  1. I think the correct translation of the 꿀벅지 is probably along the lines of : eminently f**kable legs. It's just not very nice.

    Am reading the Lolcat bible. Omigod. I can't believe that they actually translated the whole bible!!

  2. Ah yeah.. if you put it that way, it is indeed not very nice. I was more horrified by some people suggesting that "sweetheart" can be interpreted as "sweet boobs."

    ceiling cat is da best!
